Items You Shouldn’t Store Next To Your Wine
Many wine enthusiasts place their wine glass storage cabinet in an easily accessible place in their home; however there are a few items and appliances you shouldn’t store next to your wine. Moreover items that create unfavourable conditions for your vintage can alter the flavours and aromas of your wine. Furthermore it is best to store your wine in a built-in wine climate cabinet that will maintain the perfect temperature and humidity for your wine.
Kitchen disturbances
People often keep their wine cabinets in the kitchen for convenience; however kitchens are often bright and warm rooms that can hinder the quality of your wine. Moreover heat and direct sunlight can disturb your wine’s ageing process and chemical reactions. Consequently these factors will alter the flavours and aromas of your favourite vintages. Furthermore the heat from the oven can very quickly affect the quality of your wine even if you store the bottles in a wine cabinet. In addition don’t store your wine in the kitchen refrigerator where you keep your food items. Foods with strong smells like garlic herbs and onions will permeate the bottle and alter the flavours of the wine. Overall keeping the wine cabinet out of the …